This song was really special to me (Victoria). I loved it from the first time I heard it! The meaning of the words touched me deeply. Jesus loves even me. He know my inmost thoughts and even the deceitfulness of my human heart, yet he loves me anyway. Such a special message! That no matter what we do, say, or think, Jesus loved us enough to die for us. He loves EVEN us.
“Greater love has no man,
than to lay down his life for a friend.”
John 15:13.
I have played with learning harmony. It is not something that comes easy and I have worked really hard trying to learn. I would try to pick out the harmony of songs I listen to and sing as I listened. I have gotten better, but still need a lot of practice! I really wanted to sing the harmony for this song, so we asked our beautiful sister-in-law Elysa (who has a beautiful voice) to sing the melody! We had such an awesome time recording this together! She was so helpful, practicing the harmony with me and helping me correct a few quirks in the notes. She did so awesome and we had so much fun with it that we can’t wait to include her again! Expect to hear more of her lovely voice!
We are also so excited to debut Isabella and her sweet voice! She is so great and yet doesn’t like to sing in public, so she is always surprising us with how good she is!
The cover art was a lot of fun to do too. The picture is an original picture that we photographed. I love how it turned out!
Thank you to Elysa for helping out with this one! It was so fun working with you, we will have to do it again sometime!
Thanks for reading! What did you think of Even Me? God bless!
By His grace,
- Victoria
Ichthus Family Productions